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La Union Evangelists to use locally written materials in Tuba

/ 2024-04-17

In the 2nd week of May, 2024, La Union evangelists have agreed to use locally written materials " to saturate Tubao, La Union with the pure NT gospel of Christ."

To be used among others is the Ilocano and Pilipino translations of the " Mystery That Leads To Eternal Life" written by Sotero ( aka Terry ) Denis in English.

The Ilocano and Pilipino versions were translated by Rolando Nonog and Daniel A.Oliva respectively.

The evangelism strategy to be used in Tubao, La Union will be as follows: Awareness Survey using the Mystery Leading to Eternal Life material; Collecting the Survey Form; Organizing the Prospects Gathered; Teaching the Gospel using the Ilocano version.

Freddie Lachica, a PBC graduate and a now a self- supporting evangelist, spearheads this evangelistic scheme with the help of Samson Nisperos of Rosario, La Union, Jay M Vanquiray of Aringay; Lito Olivares of Naguilian and Daniel Oliva of Baguio City.

The church of the Lord has been started in 2022 to serve the members located in various " barangays." Helping Freddie L.Villanueva, aside from his family are his sister's family Mary Grace V Ortiz; newly baptized James Sujimoto, a public school among others.

The earnest prayers of the saints everywhere are requested for the " success of this plan" all to the glory of God.

( Picture below shows the La Union evangelists meeting at Agoo last March 2, 2024. Samson Nisperos ( aka Sammy ) has his back photographed.