" Thou shalt have no other gods before ME. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God..." ( KJV )
A. One universal church claims its orthodoxy as the keeper of many artifacts and relics of departed saints.
1. Do artifacts and relics really prove that a global church is the true and original church that Jesus established? Matthew 16:18
2. Let us know the TRUTH as Jesus said in John 8:32 " you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
B. For our discussion, let us divide this lesson as follows:
1.Meanings and Examples of Artifacts and Relics
2. Does the Bible Speak About Artificacts and Relics?
3. Why Are Relics Important To Some Professing Christians?
4. God's Warnings on Keepers of Artifacts and Relics
A. Meanings of Artifacts and Relics
1. But what are Artifacts and Relics? Do they bring a person to God spiritually?
a. Artifact is a combination of two Latin words " arte " ( by skill ) and " factum " ( to make ) thus " it is something crafted used for a particular purpose."
- examples include tools, pottery, metal objects, weapons and items of personal adornments, e.g. jewelry or death masks
- dead sea scrolls is an ancient example
- an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest, e.g. gold and silver artifacts
b. Relic- is an object or article of religious significance from the past
- consists of physical remains or personal effects of a saint or other person
- preserved for veneration as a tangible memorial
- object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr, e.g. souvenir, memento
- relics ( plural ) are remains, corpse
- examples include teeth, bones, hairs, and fragments of objects, e.g. fabrics or wood
- relics are believed to have special powers to heal, grant favors or exorcise demons
B. Does the Bible Speak About Artifacts or Relics?
1. There are two references in the New Testament about "supposed" relics related to " living saints."
a. Acts 5:14- 16 - the " relic " was actually Peter's shadow which was believed to have " healing powers."
b. Acts 19:11-12 - the " relics " were Paul's handkerchiefs and aprons brought from his body to the sick and the diseases left them; the evil spirits went out of them
2. From the definition of a relic " the shadow of Peter" and the " apron or handkerchiefs of Paul" are non- existent today.
a. Therefore, strictly speaking, they could not be considered " relics" of the past or of declared saints.
b. No one has " preserved " the shadow of Peter or the apron and handkerchief of Paul.
C. Why Are Relics Important To Some Professing Christians?
1. The veneration of the relics of the saints " reflects a belief that the saints in heaven intercede for those on earth."
a. It is claimed " that a number of cures and miracles have been attributed to relics, not because of their OWN power...
b. But because of the HOLINESS of the SÀINT they represent."
2. The " Shroud of Turin " is the best known and most intensively studied " relic of Jesus."
a. It received millions of pilgrims including Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis.
b. There are many other so called relics believed to be miraculous even today.
D. God's Warnings on Keepers of Artifacts and Relics Today
1. Exodus 20:3-5 contain God's warnings on anyone who " makes or creates" another god aside from Him for He is a JEALOUS God.
2. God punished both the Hebrews and the Israelites because of Idolatry
a. The golden calf was worshipped by the Hebrews during the period of the Exodus from Egypt, 1300 BC, Exodus 32
b. Later by Israel in the reign of Jeroboam I, King of Israel, 1000 BC in I Kings 12
c. The worshippers of the brazen serpent ( Nehushtan ) in Moses' time, Numbers 21
d. King Hezekiah destroyed all idols in his reign including a bronze serpent used by Moses in the desert, 2 Kings 18:3-6
A. Do keepers of artifacts and relics prove that one UNIVERSAL church is the original and true church that Jesus establish? Matthew 16:18
1. Paul wrote that the church is the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth, I Timothy 3:15
2. The true church worships God in spirit and in truth, John 4:23-24
a. In spirit means " in sincerity, right attitide and motive," not in pretense or display only
b. It also means " no image of anything in heaven, on earth or even under the earth."
c. A relic or an artifact is an item with religious and spiritual value contrary to what God told Moses in Exodus 20:3-5
3.Only the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine are to be used to remember the Lord's death
a. Matthew 26:26-29
b. I Corinthians 11:23-26
4. Moses' physical body after his death was hidden by God to prevent the Israelites from " idolizing " him, Deuteronomy 34:6
B. If you are not yet in Christ, He is now inviting you to come to Him, Matthew 11:28-30
1. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, Mark 16:16
2. Repent and be baptized for forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
3. Now is the acceptable time, today is the Day of Salvation as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6:2
4. When Jesus returns, He will take vengeance on " those who do not obey the gospel," 2 Thess. 1:8